5 Mistakes You’re Making at Work

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Do you ever get the feeling you could be doing a little more or reaching a little higher for success at work? Do you wonder if your coworkers and supervisors think you have more potential? Do you think you have the ability to advance? Perhaps you aren’t pushing yourself enough or maybe you’re pushing a little too hard. It’s pretty common to question yourself, so here a list of 5 mistakes you’re making at work so that you can get back on track to success!

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5 Mistakes You’re Making at Work

  • Playing too many office politics. Getting involved in the politics of the office is a good way to show that you’re interested, but can also be seen as being part of the drama. Offer your opinion, but stay at an arms length.
  • You don’t trust yourself. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut (link to go with your gut article??). You probably know exactly what needs to happen to get the job done.
  • Keeping your relationships in one circle. In small or large work settings, people cling to like people – it’s totally understandable. But, never getting outside of your immediate circle is right up there in the list of 5 mistakes you’re making at work. Remember, everyone has something to offer from the reception desk to the executive suites.
  • Going over the top. Trying too hard can come off as totally overbearing or even like you are looking to get ahead, fast. Getting your work done the best you can is imperative, but ease up and relax a bit.
  • You forget to be unique. Doing what everyone else does just because it’s status quo isn’t going to set you apart from your peers. Doing the things that make you, you is why you were hired. So stay confident and be yourself.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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