Belgian Teen’s Contract Terminated By L’Oreal

Many media outlets found this story news worthy so I wanted to address the topic that is making the headlines today. The Belgian teen, Axelle Despiegelaere, 17 who was discovered by L’Oreal after cheering in the crown at the World Cup has been ‘demoted.’ This over a photo she had posted on Facebook over a year ago, of her sitting with a rifle over a dead animal that she allegedly had just killed in Africa. What’s raising eyebrows is the caption of the photo that reads, ‘Hunting is not a matter or life or death. It is much more than that…ready to hunt americans today haha.”

We live in an age where privacy is virtually nonexistent, so we all bare the responsibility and hence have to deal with the repercussions of our actions and with a lot more public scrutiny. I think that this makes companies and individuals more accountable and more transparent by really putting the power into the hands of the masses. The reason that this young woman’s contract was terminated wasn’t because she posted this picture, which she claimed was a joke that somehow got lost in translation, but because it outraged so many people and rightfully so. With lines between private and public so blurred, do you agree with L’Oreal’s decision to sever ties with this girl? And with so much on the line, do you think that this will be a lesson for people in the future to be more conscience about the content they post on the web?




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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