In the News: La La Anthony & Loren Ridinger for ‘El Nuevo Herald’

La La Anthony and I recently had an opportunity to sit and chat with local Spanish language newspaper, El Nuevo Herald. The publication visited us during World Conference to discuss entrepreneurship, setting goals, and what it’s like to live in Miami. Read on for some excerpts from our article.

La La Anthony for El Nuevo Herald

On being the president of your life:

“Cada mujer debe ser la presidenta de su vida”, dijo La La. “Debe ponerse primero que todo, sin dejar que la familia, los hijos y los quehaceres domésticos le corten las alas. Hay que hacer como en el deporte. Trazarse una meta y no parar hasta alcanzarla”.

TRANSLATED: “Every woman should be the president of her life,” La La said. “She must put everything first, without letting her family, children and household chores cut off her wings. You have to do as in sports. Set a goal and not stop until you reach it. “

On healthy competition:

“Siempre he tratado de dar lo mejor de mí y hacer las cosas sin escatimar ningún esfuerzo”, afirmó La La. “Soy muy competitiva y por eso encuentro que los negocios y el deporte tienen un gran paralelo. En ambos hay que trabajar muy duro y trazarse metas para triunfar”.

TRANSLATED: “I’ve always tried to give my best and do things without sparing any effort,” La La said. “I am very competitive and that is why I find that business and sports have great parallels. You have to work very hard and set goals to succeed in both.”


Loren Ridinger for El Nuevo Herald

On Latin Culture:

“Vivo más de 20 años en Miami y este es un centro de la cultura latina”, agregó Ridinger. “Además, la gente latina tiene mucho empuje y eso se puede ver en la influencia que marcan en Estados Unidos”.

TRANSLATED: “I’ve lived in Miami for over 20 years and this is the center of Latino culture,” added Ridinger. “In addition, the Latino people have a lot of push and that can be seen in the influence they bring to the United States”

On La La’s competitive spirit:

“La La es muy competitiva, puedo dar fe de ello porque la conozco hace muchos años y es una fuerza en sí misma”, expresó Ridinger. “Ha empezado desde nada y ha creado muchas cosas”.

TRANSLATED: “La is very competitive, I can attest to it because I’ve known her for many years and she’s a force to be reckoned with,” Ridinger said. “She started from nothing and has created many things.”

It was wonderful to chat with El Nuevo Herald. To read the full article, click here.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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