PRESS: Loren Ridinger’s Q&A for the Miami Herald

Loren Ridinger Miami Herald Interview

If you’ve ever had one of those “pinch me” moments, where you couldn’t be more thrilled with what’s happening in your life or business, then you’ll understand how I feel nearly every day about being an entrepreneur. It’s been a tough road – late nights, difficult challenges and moments where we just weren’t sure if certain products would sink or swim. But, when it comes to having your own business, some of those tough times are the best times. It’s how you learn, helping you build a more solid team and giving you the drive to develop better products that will go the distance.

Between seeing my businesses succeed and knowing we deliver products people love and use daily – it’s incredibly rewarding. When the Miami Herald asked me to sit down and chat business and beauty, I couldn’t resist. Two topics I love – entrepreneurship and beauty. If you’ve ever been curious about life as a business owner, here are a few highlights and for the full interview, read here.

Loren Ridinger Miami Herald Interview

Regarding your Market America journey, when did you and JR know this was going to be really big? Was that the vision from the beginning or did it evolve?

 JR has always had that vision, to be honest with you. He’s always been a great leader. Even prior to 1992 when the idea was forming, he was a strong believer that the world was fast changing, that technology was fast changing, and people would want to shop at home.

Over the years, what are one or two of the most important lessons you have learned — maybe the hard way — about entrepreneurship?

To manage my time wisely, that’s been a lesson for both of us. It’s hard to run a company of this size and still have a life with your children and your grandchildren and juggle everything. I’ve learned what may not appear to be normal for other families is normal for us, it works for us. If we have to have dinner at 10:30 at night or 4:30 in the afternoon, and it works for us based on our schedules, we don’t punish ourselves for it.

Of the brands you personally have created, what are you most proud of and why?

All of them, really. Motives is special because it was a tribute to the way I grew up. My mother died at a very young age at 42, but she was always super glamorous and I watched her as a child spend hours looking beautiful. I watched how it made her feel; it gave her confidence. I was always in awe of her. Motives is not about lipstick color, it’s really about what makes women feel good inside.

What most inspires you to keep going?

Knowing my “why.” If you know what your why is, you have a reason to do what you do. I don’t think anyone can be successful without knowing what their why is. You have to have passion, something that inspires you.

Big thanks to the Miami Herald for this fun interview! I love sharing my story of entrepreneurship and inspiring others to get out there and follow their dreams.



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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