12 Quick Ways to Optimize Your Linkedin Profile

optimize your linked

LinkedIn is still one of the most powerful social media platforms for professionals. Here’s how to optimize your LinkedIn profile for maximum exposure online.

12 Quick Ways to Optimize Your Linkedin Profile
1. Add a profile photo.

According to LinkedIn, you can receive up to 21 times more profile views simply by adding a profile photo. Uploading a photo adds an air of reputability to your account and gives your page a more professional look. Personalize your profile with a high-quality headshot rather than a company logo.

2. Update your title and your bio.

Incorporate relevant keywords for your industry in your title to make you more visible in LinkedIn searches. Update your bio to tell the LinkedIn community precisely what you do for better response rates. Think of LinkedIn as your online business card; what do you want to be known for and what are you selling? If you’re a social media manager, for example, social media should be incorporated into your title and bio. Don’t be afraid to get creative; cleaver bios and titles help you to stand out from the crowd.

3. Add a banner image.

Add your own quirky or professional banner image to connect with people who fall on your profile.

4. Add your employment history.

Showcasing your employment history is a simple yet effective trick to achieve a level of trust from your profile viewers.

5. Update your personal info.

Adding contact information is useful for anyone wanting to reach out to you for business opportunities.

6. Build your recommendations.

Write testimonials for your colleagues and LinkedIn friends. The law of reciprocation means many will return the favor. If they don’t reciprocate, it’s far easier to ask for recommendations from users you’ve written a testimonial for already.

7. Update your skills & endorsements.

List up to fifty skills on your profile page relevant to your profession so that users can endorse you for these skills. Reciprocate and be sure to endorse your connections too; it’s good LinkedIn etiquette.

8. Make sure your profile is public.

Click Settings & Privacy and make sure your profile is set to public so that you’re visible and searchable.

9. Customize your URL.

Customize your URL to your name for a more professional finish.

10. Add your education.

The more information you add to your profile, the better. Adding where you studied scores credibility.

11. Join groups.

Groups are a great way to build connections in your field. Becoming a regular contributor to groups also builds your credibility and may just win you some new clients and customers.

12. Post regular content.

Post 3-5 times per week with relevant content to your field of expertise. Mix it up and post a combination of articles, text posts with open-ended questions, image posts, blog links and videos to keep your page fresh and engaging.

How will you optimize your LinkedIn profile this year to stay ahead of the game? Tweet me @lorenridinger.



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