3 Mistakes You’re Making in Your Social Media Profile

3 Mistakes You're Making in Your Social Media Profile | Loren's World

Have you ever noticed that some friends, family and colleagues have social media profiles that really turn you off? Like there’s something about them that just seems to bug you a bit… But then there are others that completely draw you in, making you want to know more. As social media becomes more and more a part of our lives and the way we get to know people, having friendly profiles that showcase our talents and interests is a great way to make friends, deepen relationships and even advance careers. Not sure if your social media profiles are up to par? Here are three mistakes you’re making to put people off.

3 Mistakes You're Making in Your Social Media Profile | Loren's World


#1. It all starts with your username. If you don’t want anyone to find you that’s one thing, but if you’re open to new connections and in fact, you really want new connections, having a username that matches (or comes close) to your real name is essential. When it comes to job seekers, having your real name out there is an absolute must, especially if you want recruiters and hiring managers to take you seriously. If your name is too long or complicated, be sure you have a version out there that comes close enough that your connections still know who you are.

#2. Your profile photo. If you want people to connect with you, they first need to be able to recognize you – and a profile photo is a great way to get that job done. Using a photo of your dog or something that doesn’t show off your own beautiful smile can be really confusing for someone trying to connect with you for the first time. When it comes to professional connections – like on LinkedIn, for example – a profile photo that shows your professional side can really help build your community. Think about what message you want to deliver through your photo and go with that – are you trying to show off your adventurous side, your fun-loving side or your professional side.

#3. Your bio. Now this is a biggie when it comes to those moments when you’re working hard to build your professional network or find a new job. Your bio can be the kiss of death if it doesn’t showcase your experience in the best light. So, think strategically about what you want and need to show off – is it your years of experience, your leadership accomplishments, technical expertise – or a little of everything? No matter what, make sure it tells the story of you and leaves potential connections with an understanding of what you can bring to the table and why you’d be a valuable asset to the team. When it comes to personal profiles and connections – have fun! Tell the story of the things and interests you love – it will help make connections with new friends and deepen the ones you already have.

How’s your social media profile doing? Do you think you need an update?



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