5 Things All Social Media Influencers Know

Do you ever wish you could navigate the world of social media platforms the way the big social influencers do? It sometimes seems like they have the inside scoop and you find yourself wondering – how do they know how to do all of this? You know what – here’s the secret – most of them have just tried things. They get an idea, try it out – sometimes it works (and works great) and sometimes it doesn’t. But social media is still so new that you can’t be afraid to put yourself out there or test out an idea – even if it seems like a longshot. In the meantime, there are some tried and true best practices that have proven successful. Here’s a look at five things social media influencers know and how it can help your online business.

5 Things All Social Media Influencers Know

#1. Content is and will forever be king. When you have unique and interesting content and something to say, people want to read it – and they’re interested. When people like your content and find it useful – they share it. Then, they’re connections share it and so on – that’s how it works and that’s how you start to build an audience. So what’s the takeaway here? Be creative. Share content that comes from your heart and mind and is completely unique to you, your business or your product. Stand out amongst the crowds and just be you.

#2. Show your products in real life. Ever see the hashtag #IRL and wonder what it is? That means “in real life” and it’s one of the best ways to showcase how you’d actually use a product or service that you’re trying to sell. Showing people exactly how your product will add value to their day to day is definitely a key piece of the puzzle and one that will help translate why they should invest in your product or service. Make sense?

#3. Give a bit of the inside scoop. People really want to know what goes on behind the scenes – especially when it comes to making a product or how a business is run. It’s one of the most fun parts of social media – getting to showcase parts of a business you wouldn’t normally see as a consumer. Don’t be afraid to show off your team members, a shipping center, factory, a photo shoot – whatever it is – your followers will love it.

#4. They try out new platforms. Most successful social media influencers really aren’t afraid to try the new and trending social media features and platforms – and you shouldn’t be either. Afraid to try video because you’ve never done it before? Then you’ll never get the engagement you could possibly be achieving from things like Facebook Live and Instagram Stories. Staying away from Snapchat because you’re not sure what to do? You’ll never know until you try. See where I’m going with this? Test the waters, get creative and don’t be shy when it comes to trying new things. Social media is all about experimentation.

#5. Just be you. You and your business are your best asset when it comes to social media and being yourself will get you everywhere. Be confident that you have something to offer that’s different from everyone else out there – so don’t feel like you have to look a certain part, say a certain thing or be like everyone else. You be you and unique and meaningful connections and interactions will come of that.

What do you think? Can you start operating your social media strategy with an influencer mentality? I think you can!



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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