Why You Need to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Now

When utilized efficiently, LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social media platforms for entrepreneurs and business owners. One common pitfall shared by users who don’t find LinkedIn a useful tool for their brand is that they haven’t taken a few minutes to identify their LinkedIn ‘why.’

Why You Need to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Now

Once you have identified your purpose, you can optimize your profile to align with your goals. Tweaking the copy on your profile with intention ensures you will attract the right target audience, and you will connect with relevant professionals who understand your vision. A clear strategy will help ensure you create and share content that will engage the audience you want to intrigue and influence.

1. Find your purpose.

Work out why you’re on LinkedIn, and create a strategy complete with a few sentences about your target market.

2. Optimize.

Optimize your profile to align with your purpose.

3. Get strategic.

Connect with professionals who reflect your ideal target market.

4. Create content.

Create content that speaks directly to your target audience.

5. Join groups.

Join groups where your target audience hangs out. Engage by sharing useful and relevant information in the group comments to strengthen your reputation as an expert in your niche.

How will you upgrade your LinkedIn profile? Tweet me @lorenridinger.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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