A vision without execution is a dream. A dream with execution and no vision is a nightmare. There are so many up and coming entrepreneurs with great ideas, insights, and plans that lack vision. It is not enough to have an idea. The idea can easily become a reality, but what do you do once that idea begins to take a life of its own. Planning is a necessity. The process may seem slow as you start out, however, once key parts fall into place, you will become amazed at how quickly things begin to happen.
You must execute with a vision in business. If you have a product, where do you want to see sales in the next fiscal year? If you deliver a service, do you plan to expand in your services within the next five years? Without vision, your business will not succeed. There is a process to everything. There are no short cuts. In actuality, short cuts will cause you to back track. Sit down, visualize the business as you see it and apply the necessary steps to see it in reality. Vision has purpose!