Why You Should Take Risks in Business

There are so many reasons why you should take risks in business.  Never take for granted that opportunity presented to you today will be there tomorrow.  If you really want something, you have to get past your fear and go after it.  The business climate can be treacherous and intimidating, yet some of the most successful entrepreneurs are those who took risks is business.  When JR and I were in the beginning stages of building Market America, there were so many things that we did not know. Of course there were people who did not mean us well and offered help that was beneficial only to them.  JR and I trusted one another, and learned to trust our gut feelings.  Your gut will never lie to you.  I think back and realize that if we had not taken certain risks, we would not be as successful as we are now.  Yes, when you take risks in business it can sometimes lead to a downfall, however, there are lessons and experiences needed that you only learn when in the mist of making a wrong choice.  Everything happens for a reason at the right time.  Trust yourself.  Trust your decisions.  Give yourself the opportunity to soar higher than you can imagine.  You and your business deserve to see what is on the other side of taking a risk.




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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