Entrepreneurship: 6 Brilliant Ways to be More Successful


Entrepreneurship is still the buzz word of the decade. Why? Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur, but not everyone has what it takes to succeed as one.

Entrepreneurship: 6 Brilliant Ways to be More Successful


You’ve read all the relevant entrepreneurial books, taken an online course in entrepreneurship and worked harder than you’ve ever worked before. You’re waking up earlier to start the day and finishing late at night, but you still haven’t achieved the level of success you feel you should have by now. Sound familiar?

Here are a few life hacks that will help you boost your productivity and push you to the next level towards becoming the successful entrepreneur you envision.

Get your beauty sleep.

To be our most productive and be on our A-game every day, we need at least six hours sleep every night. Studies have shown less than this results in diminished productivity.

Set your schedule every day.

Setting a schedule every morning helps you make the most of your time. Having no structure for the day can waste precious hours. Prioritize the most urgent tasks for the morning so that you leave the rest of the day flexible to adapt to whatever life may throw at you unexpectedly.

Eat well and burn off stress.

Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires long hours, periods of fatigue and increased stress. Eating a healthy, balanced diet will help push your body and mind to fulfill your full potential. Hitting the gym every day for half an hour is a phenomenal way to break up the day, burn off stress and clear your head to be more productive and decisive for the remainder of your day.

Set deadlines.

Studies show that setting deadlines can triple the efficiency of a company. Consistently leaving tasks or projects to the last minute can result in rushed mistakes and unnecessary raised stress levels.

Use your time efficiently.

If you find yourself continually browsing Facebook and Instagram, uninstall the apps on your phone. You’ll be surprised by how much more time you’ll have to play with at the end of each day.

Party less.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Late nights, especially those fuelled by alcohol, can lead to increased tiredness and diminished productivity. Save the partying for the weekends, or better still, to celebrate reaching where you want to be in life.



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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