Simple Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Closet

Hooray…we’re finally getting closer to Spring. I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t be happier. I’m so ready to hear the birds chirping, have the sun shining and be able to spend some time running around outside with my grandkids.

One of my favorite things about spring is that feeling I get, you know the one – where you’re ready to open all the windows and give the whole house a good spring cleaning. Don’t you love that? And, even better? Purging, donating and giving your closet the spring cleaning it definitely needs.

Simple Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Closet

Spring cleaning my closet isn’t just one of the most liberating feelings around, it’s also a great way to make some significant contributions to those in need. Not sure how to get started? Here are my three basic tips for spring cleaning your closet.

Pull it all out of there – or at least go item by item. Don’t leave any stone unturned or in this case, any shoebox unopened. You’re going top down through your whole closet – that’s the best way to ensure you get it all.

Start by making a few piles,

  • Anything you haven’t worn in a year.
  • Anything that no longer fits.
  • The things that make you feel amazing, that you can’t live without.
  • Anything that seems like a trend that has come and gone.

Once you have your piles aligned, it’s time to start trying things on.

Anything you haven’t worn in a year, is the best stuff to add to the donation pile. Even if you’re not sure why you haven’t worn it – you can take a moment to think about why each of those items aren’t in your weekly rotation anymore. Should it be relocated to the trends that have passed pile or is it just a little too tight? Whatever the case may be, if you haven’t worn it in a year, it’s time to add that to the donation pile.

Anything that doesn’t fit. There’s nothing worse than holding onto clothes that are too tight. You know the ones – the “skinny” jeans you have tucked away, just in case you lose that extra ten pounds. Every time you try those on and you find yourself feeling bad about your body, there’s no reason to keep them lying around. Same goes for anything that’s too big. Let’s say you lost some weight this year – you’re feeling great, but you keep your “fat” pants around just in case you gain the weight back. Have faith in yourself! Be proud of what you’ve accomplished and don’t doubt your ability to keep the weight off. If it falls in one of those two categories, it’s time to part ways.

Keep everything that makes you feel beautiful or wonderful. This is the best part. You’ll find things in there you forgot you even have, but they feel like your best friend just came home. You slip into a dress or pair of jeans that make you feel like a million bucks – total score! Put those on a hanger and get ‘em right back into the rotation. Then, there’s your favorites – the old stand-by’s you can’t live without. Make sure they’re front and center and easily accessible. Anything that makes you feel good should always be right there and ready to wear because clothes should absolutely have you feeling your best.

Once you’ve got things narrowed down (and, this goes for shoes and accessories too!), pile everything up and drive it straight to a clothing donation site. Someone will be absolutely thrilled to have those items and you can feel good about it too.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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