4 Signs Your Partner Is Taking Advantage of You

taking advantage of you

There are fewer lonely places in the world than a place of unrequited love. Wouldn’t life be easier if everyone said what they truly feel and mean? Once your heart starts becoming attached to someone, you can become blind to typical behaviors displayed when someone is taking advantage of you.

4 Signs Your Partner Is Taking Advantage of You

taking advantage of you

#1. You can’t define your relationship.

If you’ve been dating for a few months and they still flinch any time you ask where you’re both at, or about meeting your friends or family, they may be taking advantage of your good nature. When someone genuinely cares about you, they won’t give you the whole “I don’t like commitment” speech.

#2. It’s all about them.

Relationships should be a two-way street. If everything is always about them and their needs, they are living in a self-centered universe that may not have space for you, regardless of how amazing you are.

#3. You make all of the efforts.

If it’s always you making the effort to spend time with them and you get little to nothing in return, it’s unequal. The same applies if they ignore you when you’re trying to arrange plans, or if they only want to see you on their terms. Love yourself enough to know you deserve better.

#4. They’re not honest.

Consistently avoiding certain topics or telling partial truths is a huge red flag.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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