5 Signs You Need to End Your Relationship to Save Your Soul

end your relationship

Relationships are like glass. Once they smash to pieces, it can be almost impossible, and more harmful, to try and put them back together as much as you may want to try. So, what’s the turning point? How do you know when your soul’s had enough? Your intuition may already be calling time. Here are a few signs that it’s time to end your relationship to save your soul.

5 Signs You Need to End Your Relationship to Save Your Soul

end your relationship

#1. Actions speak louder than words.

If their actions consistently tell you they’re not making any effort to make you a priority, they are sending you a clear message. They may not be intentionally trying to hurt you or let you down – you’re just not the person who makes them want to open their heart to for the long haul. Someone who genuinely loves you won’t continuously let you down; they may be busy, but they’ll still make every effort just to keep you if they can’t be there physically.

#2. You find yourself defending their actions more than you should.

If you always seem to be making excuses for them, you’re likely defending ongoing unacceptable behaviors that you’re trying to justify to yourself and everyone else. You have to learn to love yourself first so that you can set your standards higher.

#3. They rarely consider your feelings.

Relationships require effort and compromise to work long-term. If you’ve repeatedly highlighted a particular behavior to your partner that hurts you and they continue doing it without making any effort to consider your feelings, the relationship is doomed. They care more about their own happiness than yours, and you can’t compete with narcissism. Narcissists lack empathy and simply don’t care about anyone else’s feelings.

#4. They’re battling addiction.

If your partner is battling with addiction, you’re likely fighting a lost battle. If they won’t seek help or accept that they have a problem, they’re not considering their own welfare, so they certainly won’t acknowledge yours. You’ll feel guilty if you walk out on them, but staying around condoning their behavior isn’t helping them either.

#5. You constantly feel disrespected.

Ghosting (ignoring you), blowing you off, and continually letting you down for no good reason are all forms of disrespectful behavior.

If your partner is regularly making you feel sad, frustrated, angry, alone, or let down, your soul is suffering. It is better to be alone than to be with someone who makes you feel unlovable. Set your soul free and focus on your path.



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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