6 Diet Tips to Help You with Those Resolutions

So you’re already losing track of that “eat healthier” resolution?  Don’t fret.  A few bad days or a few bad weeks doesn’t mean it’s time to give up.  Every day is a new day, so wake up reminding yourself you’ll do your best.

To help get you started, here are a few of my favorite diet tips:

1. Start your morning with lemon water.

I wrote an entire post on the benefits of lemon water.  It really works to detoxify the body first thing in the morning.

2. Go back to nature.

If you can focus on eating things that come from the earth, you won’t have space for those scary products created in factories doused in chemicals.

3. Refined sugars are the devil.

The same goes for any processed stuff like Splenda.

4. Manage your stress.

Stress leads us to overate and overall crabby behavior. Find some sort of exercise that you enjoy. Anything from yoga to an intense boot camp class can help release that built up anxiety. Don’t underestimate the importance of releasing stress through exercise.

5. If you need a sweet go for organic dark chocolate instead.

There are tons of benefits that come from eating dark chocolate including regulating blood pressure. Don’t believe me? Read this article.

6. And remember to make time for fun.

Changing your lifestyle doesn’t mean you need to become a slave. Do your best and shake your booty while you’re at it!



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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