7 Signs You Could Have Asperger Syndrome

Asperger syndrome

Did you know that many people with Asperger syndrome are not diagnosed until late teenage years or even adulthood? Asperger syndrome is an Autism Spectrum Disorder affecting social impairment, communication difficulties, and repetitive behavioral patterns. Aspergians are often extremely high functioning and often possess a high IQ. Some typical traits include eccentric behaviors and a lack of interest in the thoughts, feelings, and opinions of others.

7 Signs You Could Have Asperger Syndrome

Asperger syndrome

#1. You live by your routine.

Your daily schedule is pretty rigid during the week; any unexpected last-minute changes can throw your whole day into chaos.

#2. Displaying emotion isn’t easy.

Aspergians struggle with empathy, and communicating their emotions. You’d rather hide in your shell than deal with conflict, or some days, to avoid any social interaction at all.

#3. Your conversations are one-sided.

OK, this could indicate a million things (like narcissism), but continually preferring to speak about your own interests rather than listen to anyone else can be a symptom of Asperger’s Syndrome.

#4. You always speak the truth.

If someone asks you a question, you answer directly. This may have caused some relationship difficulties. For example, if a loved one asks you if their new dress makes them look fat (and it does), you will answer honestly.

#5. You struggle to understand the emotions of others.

You frequently don’t understand why others get upset or angry with you, because you struggle to understand why your behavior should affect anyone else. Even if your actions make someone cry, you won’t necessarily feel (or say) sorry, because upsetting them wasn’t your intention, and you don’t grasp why they’re upset.

#6. You struggle with relationships.

Aspergians handle building and maintaining relationships differently. Some struggle to make friends, others have no desire to make friends and wholeheartedly prefer their own company, while some build a few close friendships or acquaintances.

#7. Socializing can be hard work for you.

Spending time with people is incredibly draining for you; though this is also a common trait shared by introverts.

If you think you or a loved one may have Asperger’s Syndrome, visit the AANE for more information here.



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