Bad Habits That Cause Jawline Breakouts

Getting in touch with the reasons behind your acne is the first step toward clear skin. Understanding the common bad habits that cause jawline breakouts can help you prevent it. Dealing with problem skin is awful, but figuring out the source can help combat trouble spots for good. Here are some pretty common bad habits that cause jawline breakouts and how to prevent them.

Bad Habits That Cause Jawline Breakouts

#1 Culprit: Your Cell Phone. Keeping in touch with all your family, friends and the office is absolutely imperative, but your cell phone is covered in bacteria. Spending a solid amount of time on the phone each day can lead to pimples caused by friction, otherwise known as acne mechanica. How do you avoid this? Well, sanitize that thing! And, try headphones and texting!

#2 Touching Your Face. Much like rubbing the bacteria from your phone all over your face, the same thing occurs if you are constantly touching your face. We all subconsciously touch our faces, so you have to make a firm effort to keep your hands off your face!

#3 Too Much Dairy & Sugar. Jawline breakouts are often a result of skipping the good stuff (like leafy greens) and opting for sugary treats and dairy. These are tough foods to digest, often resulting in cystic blemishes along the jaw. Bad habits are tough to break, but this one offers health benefits all around.

Do you know of another bad habit that causes jawline breakouts? How do you prevent it?



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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