The Beauty Benefits of Wine

beauty benefits of wine

As if you ever really need an excuse to crack open a bottle of wine, turns out there’s some beauty benefits that come with it too. Wouldn’t it be amazing if your beauty regimen actually also included drinking a bit of red wine? Wash your face daily, exfoliate, moisturize and drink some red wine – sounds like a pretty awesome plan, doesn’t it? No matter what, everything in moderation is the name of the game – so no overdoing it! But, a bit of wine here and there definitely offers some pretty incredible beauty benefits. Ready to add this to your beauty routine? Here’s the scoop.

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The Beauty Benefits of Wine

Get your beauty rest. Getting in those eight hours of z’s each night is certainly essential to looking your best. Did you know red wine just might be able to help with that? According to, “red wine can give you a peaceful sleep due to the presence of a substance called melatonin. Melatonin can stimulate your body clock and keeps you healthy. So consume a moderate amount of red wine (50 to 100 ml) before bedtime for a peaceful sleep.”

When it comes to your beauty having clear and smooth skin certainly is the basis for making everything else look good. And, many of us go to great lengths to keep our skin looking its absolute best. From washing it with special cleansers, to routine exfoliation and even daily moisturizing, turns out a little red wine can help out with skin health too.

“Everyone wishes to have a healthy glowing skin and this magic is one of the many benefits of drinking red wine. The red wine benefits for skin is because of the antioxidants that protect your skin and prevent it from ageing. That’s why some parlours are now providing red wine facials.” And, drinking red wine stimulates the development of new cells in the skin’s outer layers. It improves the hydration of the skin to make it look younger, supple and glowing. If you have dry skin, massage your face with red wine to keep it nourished and moisturized.” (via

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Wine can also help you age and look better, says Web M.D. “The mechanism is the antioxidants in red wine. Antioxidants sop up damaging free radicals that play a role in aging and age-related diseases. There is a much higher concentration of antioxidants called polyphenols, including resveratrol, in wine compared to grape juice. In wine, the skin and seeds are part of the fermenting process, but both are removed when making grape juice.”

But, the most amazing beauty benefit of wine? It can actually help with breakouts and acne. According to, “a just-released study demonstrated that an antioxidant found in the grapes used to make red wine slowed the growth of bacteria that cause acne. Not only that, but the antioxidant, resveratrol, also boosted the anti-bacterial properties of benzoyl peroxide, the active ingredient of many over–the-counter acne meds.”

Pretty incredible, don’t you agree? The next time you’re thinking about uncorking a delicious bottle of red, remember you’re also working your beauty routine!



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