Collagen is the superhero which gives skin elasticity, firmness, and suppleness. As we age, we produce less skin proteins, hence thinning, wrinkles skin. You likely already know that your diet plays a pivotal role in achieving younger, more radiant skin. High consumption of colorful fruits and vegetables helps stimulate collagen production, Fried foods, refined sugars, and refined carbohydrates can actually break down your skin protein supplies.
Collagen: How to Produce More of This Age-Defying Superhero
#1. Indulge in vitamins.
Vitamin C neutralizes skin-damaging free radicals which attack your supplies of extracellular proteins. Dark greens such as kale, spinach, and broccoli and citrus fruits like grapefruit and lemons are all overflowing with this essential vitamin.
#2. Up your protein.
Our skin cells require protein to produce youthful skin goodies so incorporate lots of lean meats, egg whites, and fish in your diet.
#3. Say hello to lycopene.
Red veggies and fruits such as red peppers, tomatoes, and watermelon contain the essential antioxidant lycopene which additionally protects skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
#4. Up your zinc.
Pumpkin, squash seeds, spinach, mushrooms, dark chocolate, and oysters are all high in zinc which helps stimulate collagen production.