Ever wondered if you can have a mole removed without surgery? Believe it or not it’s totally possible! As it turns out (depending on the mole, of course), you can have most moles removed right in your dermatologist’s office. An in-office procedure known as a shave excision can be performed by your doctor and only takes about five minutes. Using a local anesthetic, the mole is removed quickly and painlessly.
Can You Have A Mole Removed Without Surgery?
Once the mole is successfully removed, the doctor will seal the blood vessels with a heating device. Antibiotic ointment will be applied to prevent infection – and, in just a few minutes, you’ll be mole free. The procedure really doesn’t hurt and the after care is minimal. You’ll be asked to keep it clean and continue to apply antibiotic ointment for about a week while the area heals. Sometimes this procedure is even covered by insurance (depending on your coverage) and if not, the costs runs anywhere from $150-$500.
Have you ever had a mole removed? Did you have an in-office procedure?