10 De-Bloating Foods to Eat

As the holidays approach it’s time to start thinking about a plan for staying slim and healthy throughout all the celebrations. Being bloated during the holiday season is definitely something you want to avoid and you can do that with a few slight adjustments to your diet. Avoiding alcohol, soda and salty foods is good start, and incorporating some additional de-bloating foods will help even more. Here’s my list of 10 foods that beat bloat to help you get through the holidays with a flat belly!

10 De-Bloating Foods to Eat

  • Papaya has enzymes that promote a healthy acidic stomach environment, which help to sooth and prevent constipation
  • Oatmeal is loaded with good fiber and will help keep things moving!
  • Asparagus has been called the spring detox veggie because it helps to clear the body of excess water and waste.
  • Pineapple has similar properties to papaya, and aids in digestion.
  • Quinoa is a whole grain, loaded with fiber to keep your digestive system on track.
  • Bananas are packed with potassium, which can help to flush sodium from the body.
  • Yogurt is high in active cultures, which aid in digestion and helps to sooth feelings of bloat.
  • Artichokes are known for their natural detox qualities and they also promote healthy gallbladder and liver function.
  • Cucumbers help with hydration, essential for detoxing the body.
  • Hot water with lemon!

Which foods to you like to stock up on to beat bloat?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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