How to Naturally Strengthen Your Nails

How to Naturally Strengthen Your Nails | Loren's World

Our nails deserve so much more than the occasional manicure. They likely take a beating all day, with constant typing and texting, running errands, washing dishes and doing laundry, among tons of other responsibilities – it’s no wonder they’re chipping and breaking! And if you’re a nail biter, the habit can only accelerate the damage. If your nails need a little TLC, try some of these solutions for stronger, more resilient tips.

How to Naturally Strengthen Your Nails | Loren's World

How to Naturally Strengthen Your Nails

1) If your nails are so weak that they’re constantly breaking, considering trimming them to a short length until they can grow in a little stronger.

2) To treat your nails at home while they grow back in, try this DIY nail strengthener of castor oil (1 tsp), 2 vitamin E gel caps (liquid only), and 3-5 drops of lavender or eucalyptus essential oil, which, when combined and applied with a cotton swab, should moisturize and repair your weak and ridged nails. Soak your nails in the solution for about 5 minutes and then wipe off. Follow with hand moisturizer and wear gloves overnight if possible.

3) Be kind to your nails and limit breakage and damage by wearing gloves whenever cleaning, removing or changing your nail polish after one week of application, and opting for an acetone-free nail polish remover to reduce the use of harsh chemicals.

Note: Also check with a doctor if you don’t see any improvement in your nails. Dry, brittle and chipped nails can sometimes also be a sign of vitamin deficiencies. Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet, such as avocado, asparagus, celery, cucumber, grapes, apples, and sweet potato can help to supplement nutrients your body needs for healthy skin, hair and nails. Also, make sure you’re getting enough iron and zinc in your diet.

**It is not recommended for pregnant women to use essential oils. Please check with your doctor before applying.




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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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