How to Sage Your Home to Cleanse Your Energy

sage your home

Smudging is a ritual involving burning sage to cleanse your aura and space to remove any bad energy. The smoke created from burning sage completely changes the ionic balance of the air in your home or office, removing any sickness, anger, conflict, evil, negative energy. An ancient ritual, people have used burning sage for centuries as an effective cleansing method. Burning sage is a great way to set positive intentions and create good energy during pivotal life milestones such as starting a new job, moving house, or to remove any heavy negative energy following the death of a loved one or the breakdown of a relationship. Read on to discover how to sage your home.

How to Sage Your Home to Cleanse Your Energy

sage your home

#1. Purchase a bundle of sage from your local herb shop or online via a reputable seller.

#2. Ensure the space you intend to cleanse is physically clean and orderly. Place the sage on a heat-proof surface. Just like with incense, if the sage sets alight, gently shake the bundle or blow on the flame until it reduces to embers and smoke. You will likely need to re-light your sage many times during the ritual.

#3. Take a moment to meditate. Use your hands to swirl the smoke up and down your body while visualizing the white, cleansing smoke wafting away any negative energy from your life.

#4. Wave the smoke into every corner of your space. Wave the sage across doorways, into closets, and into every dark corner. Continue this process until the sage is completely burned out.



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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