Make Juice, Not War Green Juice

Earlier this month, wellness crusader Kris Carr released her new book “Crazy Sexy Diet.”  After being diagnosed with a very rare cancer at just 31-years-old, Carr decided to start a fearless journey to health.  Seven years later, she still has cancer, but it’s stable.  But she credits her new diet and lifestyle to feeling and looking better than she has ever in her life.

Together with her well-being posse (an impressive team of celebrity wellness warriors), Carr penned the tome, which explains everything from gluten and glycemic index values to inflammatory diets that lead to diabetes and other diseases.  “Crazy Sexy Diet” introduces the common person to a lifestyle that is disease-free.  Sound delicious, doesn’t it?

Here’s an easy-to-make recipe for Carr’s “Make Juice, Not War Green Juice.”:

2 large cucumbers (peeled if not organic)

4-5 stalks kale

4-5 romaine leaves

4 stalks celery

1-2 big broccoli stems

1-2 pears

1” piece (or less) gingerroot

Juice all ingredients (in juicer or blender).




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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