Monday Motivation: 12 Lessons You Learn When You Realize You Deserve Better

deserve better

The people who seemingly enter your life to cause destruction and devastation may, in fact, teach you the most important lesson you needed to learn – the epiphany that you deserve better. Pain and loss are two of the greatest teachers that inspire us to learn, grow, and love ourselves unapologetically.

Monday Motivation: 12 Lessons You Learn When You Realize You Deserve Better

deserve better

#1. Everyone enters your life to serve a purpose. The person who hurts you most is the motivation you needed to recognize you deserve better.

#2. You’ll learn the importance of self-worth, and understand when you deserve better.

#3. You’ll realize life is too short to waste it on the wrong people.

#4. You’ll determine that the words ‘I’m sorry’ often don’t make amends or instigate change.

#5. You’ll catch on that it’s time to stop making excuses for the bad behavior of others.

#6. You’ll learn the importance of the sacred art of letting go.

#7. You’ll determine to listen to your friends in the future. Often, friends see warning signs well before the person in love does.

#8. You’ll identify parts of yourself you need to work on that may have played a role in you dating people who don’t deserve you. Face your insecurities and work on developing your self-confidence and self-esteem.

#9. You’ll learn to have high standards and refuse to date anyone less than you deserve in the future.

#10. You’ll understand that your happiness and peace are far more important than wasting your energy on someone who does nothing to deserve or keep you.

#11. You’ll discover that your life significantly improves when you stop wasting your energy on people who don’t deserve your time.

#12. For the more sensitive souls, you’ll learn to stop taking everything so personally. Sometimes people mistreat others because they are bad people, which has no reflection on you.



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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