Reach Your Fitness Goals With These 6 Tips

Looking in the mirror might not be a fun activity at-the-moment, and that is completely understandable!  The last year has been a difficult one, especially when it comes to keeping active and motivated when it comes to fitness goals. Getting ‘fit’, whatever that may mean to you, is a personal journey. However, there are 6 easy tips that if you take on board and stick to, will mean you do not have to splurge out on one of those new diet plans. Hiring a personal trainer might help you out with reaching your goals and sticking to these tips but here are a few ways for you to get started on your journey towards healthier living.

  1. Identify and set your goals

This is a funny one, but it is so crucial! If your only goal is to ‘get fit’, what does that really mean? Vague goals and iffy aspirations about losing weight and building muscle will not get you anywhere; trust me, I tried. I would start by setting at least three reasonable and achievable short-term goals and the time-period that you want to see the improvement in. This is not to stress you out or worry you but to cement achievement when it occurs, and to push you towards your goals.

2. Make a Plan

Next, take your goals and the time frame in which you want to achieve them and plan how you are going to get there. You need to be able to fit your healthy living plan and exercise into your day-to-day life. Lifestyle writer Regina Harris from OXEssays and Paper Fellows says that, “In life there are an ever-increasing number of commitments, such as work, kids, friends, and housework.” And she is right! It is hard to squeeze exercise into a busy schedule. I would personally suggest crafting a ‘weekly fitness plan’ and deciding on meals in a weekly fashion as well. Start with setting aside at least three days a week for exercise and specific healthy living.

3. Keep Motivation and Accountability

Setting goals and making a plan will allow you to lay the groundwork for your achievement of your fitness goals but it is so easy to give up on your plan. It has often been said that it takes months to make a habit, but days to break a habit. Personally, I would suggest a personal trainer. However, if this is not available to you, a workout buddy does the job, or simply a workout companion app on your phone. As committed as you think you might be, accountability and motivation are almost impossible to consistently maintain on your worst days. Laziness is very easy to give into, and a ‘partner’ whether a personal trainer, workout buddy, or a companion app, will help you stick to your goals.

4. Make it Fun

Have fun with it! No one wants to continuously do something that does not bring you happiness, even the most committed person. Though exercise does provide you with endorphins in the end, many people need exercise to be enjoyable as well in order to do it in repetition. Dance classes, Zumba courses, and group exercise classes often provide people with the necessary enjoyment. 

5. Reduce Stress

Stress is the biggest detractor from achieving your fitness goals and no impossibly busy schedule is worth the stress it will cause you. Health writer Janet Boat from Essay Help and Boomessays noted something very poignant in saying, “Stress detracts from productivity, but fun activities loosen you up. Sleep and rest, including a good night of sleep is crucial to overall productivity. During sleep, the body repairs cells and replenishes energy.”

6. Eat Healthy & Increase Fluids

Diet and water intake are also crucial to achieving your fitness goals. Fatty and unhealthy foods and a lack of fluid intake will mean that you never achieve your goals. Though I would never encourage fad dieting or not eating, it is crucial to be eating nutritious and healthy food and drinking water.

As with any goal, it is important to establish a plan, and decide how to keep yourself accountable. Just like kicking any habit, kicking out unhealthy living is impossible without a solid plan, motivation to achieve your goals, and accountability. Once you do this, you will be one step closer to success. Good luck!

About the Author:

Lauren Groff is an online health and fitness blogger Essay writing service and Academic writing service. She helps businesses in their marketing strategy concepts and contributes to numerous sites and publications. However, her passion is encouraging people in their healthy lifestyle choices, through her work at HND Writing Service.6.



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