5 Signs You Might Be Vitamin Deficient

Do you ever feel like your body is trying to tell you something? Like when you’re feeling a little tired, you may be a bit grumpy or teary eyed. Or when you know you may be on the verge of catching a cold or winter flu, you start feeling sort of lethargic and perhaps get a funny feeling in the back of your throat? Body signals work in ways to do just that – let you know when body functions are there highest and best function, but also give you sign when something is a little off. Staying in tune with your body is essential for keeping everything in top form – from muscles to organs and even your mind. And, being sure you’re getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need is half the battle when it comes to staying in tip top shape. Here’s a look at how your body signals that you’re vitamin deficient – signs to look out for and how to combat with healthy choices and vitamin supplements, if necessary.

1. Do you find yourself getting bad muscle cramps in spots like your toes, the backs of your legs or even the arches of your feet? This could mean you may be lacking in potassium, calcium or even magnesium.  Adding almonds, cherries, apples, hazelnuts, squash, leafy greens, bananas and broccoli just might do the trick.

2. Getting the tingles in your feet and hands? It’s pretty wild, but this can be related to a deficiency in B vitamins. Try loading up on pinto, black and kidney beans, while also mixing it up with asparagus, oysters, mussels, eggs and spinach.

3. How about little white or red bumps – often on your buttocks, arms and cheeks? Seems odd, right? You may be a bit deficient in vitamins A, D and perhaps need to increase your essential fatty acid intake. Adding more healthy fats to your diet – found in things like sardines, salmon, walnuts, flax, chia and almonds can easily up the essential fatty acids necessary for staying on top of your game. Leafy greens, bright colored veggies (like bell peppers and carrots) are loaded with vitamin A and often, vitamin D deficiencies can be easily solved with a supplement (talk to your doc about this one).

4. Have you noticed a whole heap of things going a little off with your body? Like dry hair and skin, mood swings and even joint and muscle aches. Any combo of these symptoms could signal a deficiency in vitamin C. From supplements to dietary additions, getting a bit more vitamin C in your diet is pretty easy. Of course, the common citrus fruit (oranges and lemons) are a great source, but vitamin C can also be found in guava, red bell peppers, kiwi, Brussels sprouts and even cantaloupe.

5. Are you noticing little cracks at the corners of your mouth? Well, believe it or not – that may be your body telling you it’s time to get a little more iron and maybe even some zinc and B vitamins. This is an easy fix by switching up your diet just a bit. Try eating more salmon, eggs, tuna and poultry. Adding in some kale, swiss chard, broccoli and bell peppers will even help your body absorb that iron a little better.

No matter what, paying attention to your body is absolutely essential when it comes to staying healthy – you are the only one who knows exactly when something is off or just isn’t quite right. Got questions about these symptoms and how to solve? Definitely talk to your doctor.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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