We hear it ALL.THE.TIME. Stop sitting so much and get up and move! Well, sometimes (especially for those of us with an office job) getting enough movement into our jam-packed day can be a pretty tough call. Regardless, figuring out ways to squeeze in more movement is essential – both for mental and physical health. Take a look at these ideas for how to squeeze in more movement and less sitting each, and every day.
Squeezing In More Movement Every Day: 9 Ways
- Got a lot of phone calls to make? Stand up and pace!
- Stretch at your desk.
- Invite your colleagues to walk and talk – rather than sitting around a table.
- Skip the email and get up and talk to your coworker.
- Eat lunch while you work and squeeze in a walk rather than more sitting in a restaurant.
- Walking to the bus or subway? Talk the long route!
- Try some squats and calf lifts while you brush your teeth. Why not?
- Set an alarm on your smartphone to get up and walk around the office once every hour.
- Ever heard of a sit/stand desk? Try one out!
How about you? Got any great ideas for less sitting and more movement?