Are you suffering from lack of sleep? You are not alone. Did you know, more than 30% of the population suffer from insomnia and approximately 10 million people in the US use prescription sleeping aids. Sleep is necessary part of life. We are told that we need to have at least seven hours of sleep per night to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With our busy lifestyle and our ambitious spirits to get all of our tasks complete, sleep may take its place at the bottom of our list.
However, we must take care of ourselves and to help you, here are some tips to get you ready to enjoy a wonderful night’s sleep:
1. Avoid caffeine and alcohol in any form 4-6 hours before bed. They are both stimulants which will keep your body alert.
2. Avoid vigorous exercise 3-4 hours before bedtime.
3. If you must take a nap during the day, keep it under an hour. Also take your nap before 3pm.
4. Practice mediation. This will help to calm the body during a wind down period.
5. Minimize noise and lights. Have an atmosphere of quietness.
6. Read a book.
7. Take a hot shower before bed. It relaxes tense muscles.
8. Practice yoga.