The Power Of Herbs

For many of us, eating a balanced and wholesome diet means focusing on healthy foods, like fruits, veggies and lean meats. And while a nutritionally focused diet aids in overall health, adding in herbs and spices can accelerate your balanced life. The power of herbs should not be underestimated, as their addition can be pretty phenomenal. Big on flavor and low on calories, spices and herbs pack a punch when it comes to antioxidants and other disease-fighting health boosters. Defined as, any plant where the leaves, seeds or flowers are used for medicine, flavor or scent, there are hundreds of herbs out there that can be added to tea, meals, smoothies and even soups (just get creative!). Here’s a look at some herbs and their incredible healing powers.

Digestive Issues – If your body isn’t breaking down foods correctly, that easily results in constipation, bloating and excessive trips to the bathroom. Herbs like rosemary, mint and oregano can help ease those digestive struggles.

Boosting the Immune System – Adding herbs to your diet that are high in flavonoids can help give the immune system a good  boost while also having mild anti-inflammatory properties. Try adding gingko, ginger, green tea, rosemary, thyme, sage and milk thistle to your diet to fight back when it comes to viruses and other illnesses.

Get the Heart Pumping – Heart health is always on our minds and believe it or not, herbs even have the power to protect your body when it comes to stroke and heart attack. Herbs like garlic help lower cholesterol, resulting in a protected heart. Green tea and rosehip tea are also great additions to a heart-healthy diet.

Healing Herbs – There are a whole heap of herbs out there that provide general healing properties for issues like insomnia, minor burns and scrapes, headaches and colds. Try the gel of an aloe vera plant for minor cuts and burns and Chamomile tea when you can’t sleep. Lemon balm works great for headaches and rosemary can help reduce the effects of bad breath.

What do you think? Could adding some powerful herbs to your diet and lifestyle help kick your health plan up a notch?

**As with any major change to your diet or lifestyle, check with your doctor first to be sure these herbs work for you. **



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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