5 Ways To Create Million Dollar Ideas

I often get many e-mails from fans asking me “how did I become wealthy”, most people think I married a rich husband. The truth is I met my husband JR when we were both broke and our dinner dates took place at the Wendy’s salad bar. “how did I become so successful?” What did I do to get where I am now? The answer is simple: vision, passion, hard work, logic and lots of persistence! When you read personal bios, movies or see interviews of successful entrepreneurs like Marc Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs the question is common and it all begins with two things: passion and creativity.

Steve Jobs created Apple because he felt the need to have a personal computer with better graphics, Marc Zuckerberg a genius programer created Facebook out of his dorm room at Harvard with lots of passion simply because a girl he liked turned him down, my husband JR and I created Market America to change the way people shop and change the economic paradigm where anyone can become financially independent by creating our own economy. There are so many inspirational stories out there that we can all relate to and luck had nothing to do with it. If you are one of those people who waits to be inspired or hang around waiting for things to come to you perhaps becoming a successful entrepreneur or a millionaire might not be for you. Don’t wait for someone else to steal your dream, get inspired, ask questions and get started now! Below are 5 ways on how you can create a million dollar idea.

1. Generate lots of ideas: The more ideas you create, the more likely you are to create an idea worth a million bucks! Keep a journal with you at all time as for me if I have an idea I act on it immediately or e-mail it to myself. Thereafter, I will discuss with my husband and group of advisers who will then help me determine and see if the idea is good.

2. There is not one entrepreneur that you don’t know that they had an idea and for some reason it failed! All of your ideas are not going to work, but they are stepping stones to better ideas. My husband JR and I had a few ideas that didn’t work for whatever reason, but those failures have led us to better ideas and successful ones too!

3. Collect and explore all the information that is given to you. Most people think I’m nuts because I spend so much time reading magazine articles, researching and looking for new trends. “This is what gives me, and our company, an edge: we are always trying to be ahead of the curve. We must consume new information daily in order to generate new ideas.”You must read, interact with people research and do things that will inspire your creativity. By doing this you will be motivated to think of new ways to make things better and create million dollar ideas.

4. If your current idea isn’t working reinvent your old one. Take a new twist on an old idea that can still be a million dollar idea. Find out what that idea is missing and add a spin to it add features that others did not grasp before.

5. Do something with your ideas! “There are million dollar ideas everywhere: it’s what you do with them that makes a difference. Have a strategy and make it happen, it does no good to have a million ideas, but no execution to go along with it. It’s all in the execution.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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