Build Your Life: Loren Ridinger at MAWC 2016

The Path to a New You: MAWC 2017

I’ve always had a very firm belief in the concept that we speak our lives into being. We create the lives we live with our thoughts and words. If you’re living a life that frustrates you, you need not look elsewhere than yourself. This is not a novel concept; many books have been written and discussions offered about exactly how to create the life you want. But it’s something I’ve experienced and become particularly clear on as I’ve watched this company grow over the last twenty-plus years. And it’s something I’ve been able to experience firsthand with my husband and our family – it’s not an easy thing to do because there are certainly challenges along the path to that life you crave, but it’s certainly worthwhile.


Sometimes we have to sacrifice the person we are today in order to create the person we want to become. So when I took the stage for my presentation on the third day of MAWC 2016, I offered just that – my personal experience on how to build your life. It’s not an exact science and it’s not always clear cut. But the concept remains the same throughout: focus on who you want to become and align all of your decisions with that in mind. As you build your life, clear the clutter, be precise, make deliberate choices, and never lose sight of who you want to be.

Below, I leave you with some words from my presentation at World Conference, “Build Your Life.” I hope it inspires you to gain momentum towards the path you’ve been dreaming of.


For anyone who thought we were always rich and we didn’t have to struggle to get here, you couldn’t be more mistaken. But we certainly believed and we certainly worked hard. And when we eliminated toxic people and thoughts from our lives, we realized what really matters. These words are for anyone who is trying so hard to make it, to find a little success. Never forget that you have a voice. You  get a choice in this. How will you start making changes?

“The only way any of this works is you. If you don’t eliminate the garbage in your life. Things won’t change.”

“Every time we make an excuse, we’ve made an excuse not to succeed.”

“We suffered for a couple years. But we did what we had to do to make it work. God had his hand on us and we knew it was going to come together. We believed that we were going to succeed and we did what we had to do to survive. Some people said it wasn’t going to work, but we had a million reasons why it would work.”

“Toxic people: Let them go today. Your circle is going to decrease in size but it will increase in value.”

“Time is valuable; it’s the only thing you have right now.”

“Never forget: Every failure is a stepping stone to success. Because once you’ve failed, you know one more way of how not to do it.”

To listen to my full discussion on this topic, watch the video below from MAWC 2016:



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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