Dating As A Single Mom

Finding yourself single and a mom after years of playing wife or partner can be a pretty tough transition. In addition to dealing with all the self-healing that comes along with a divorce or a breakup, finding your way back into a daily and functional routine can be a challenge. From getting the kids to school and activities, to the balancing act of work and making a happy and healthy home, an addition of dating into the mix sounds pretty overwhelming. But, when the dust has finally settled and you and the kids have found a new routine that works for your family, it may be the perfect time to put yourself out there and see what the dating world has to offer. Even if you’re a little bit scared and all you’ve heard from your single friends are horror stories about the dating scene, you can do it – and you’ll probably have some fun while you’re at it. Take a look at these tips for dating as a single mom – and get out there, what are you waiting for?

Remember that it’s OK to want to go out on an actual date. Just because the millenials may be choosing to hang out in groups rather than actual romantic dates, doesn’t mean that that’s what’s in store for you. Be up front and clear about how you’re interested in spending your time, whether that’s out to dinner, casually sharing a drink or even an active date like a bike ride or a walk in the park. You make the call.

It’s OK to date a guy who doesn’t have any children, even though you’re a single mom. Remember – everyone’s situation is different and many men have never been married or have been in long-term relationships or marriages where they never had children. Don’t feel like just because you have kids, you’re limited to dating people who also have kids.

If you’re at the point of dating after a breakup or divorce, you’re past the point of playing games – and that’s OK. If you feel like the new person in your life is playing games – just move on, you don’t have the time or energy for that.

Chivalry has not completely gone by the wayside. Let your date open the door for you – and better yet, pick up the tab. It’s a date after all and part of that is letting time-tested chivalrous traditions be part of the experience.

Even if you’re afraid of their reaction, your kids might actually be pretty excited to see you getting back out there on the dating scene. For some kids this might be tough, especially if they have not fully processed a divorce, breakup or separation, but most kids just want to see their mom happy and enjoying life. Of course it’s important to make the introductions slow and find a balance of new adults in their life, but they love you and once they see that big smile on your face, they’ll be pretty happy too.

Single moms – have you recently gotten back into the dating scene? Got any tips to share?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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