Going Green For Beginners

You’ve probably been hearing a lot of talk about sustainable living and going green, right? Green living is a pretty hot topic these days and for a good reason. We should all be doing our part to help conserve the earth’s resources and reduce pollution for future generations. Making an effort with is even easier than than you think. In just a few steps you can make going green a part of your day-to-day. If you are new to the concept, check out these ideas – you won’t believe the impact you can have with a few tiny adjustments in your daily routine.

  • Reel in your plastic bottle habit. We’re all guilty of buying way too much bottled water, so how about investing in a reusable water bottle and drinking filtered water? It’s a simple step that gives you the power to singlehandedly cut back on the world’s plastic usage.
  • Make going green part of your fashion choices. Have you thought about investing in some organic cotton or in clothing companies that give back to the earthly causes? With so many options out there for sustainable clothing and accessories, the choice is simple.
  • Reduce your electrical usage. This one is SO easy. Simply remembering to turn off all the lights when you leave for work in the morning or when you go to bed at night can reduce your usage substantially. Want to go the extra mile? Try unplugging and shutting down your computer and other devices when they aren’t in use.
  • Cut back on wasting water. This one is so easy! Leave the water running when you’re brushing your teeth? Make a conscious effort to turn it off while brushing and only run it when it’s time to rinse your tooth brush.
  • How about changing up that commute? Do you drive every day, but potentially have the option of figuring out a carpool, riding the bus or even hopping on your bike a couple of days a week? It’s that simple to do your part in saving gas and reducing harmful emissions.
  • Make an effort to shop local. If your neighborhood or town offers a farmers market, head on over once a week to stock up on locally grown produce rather than the stuff at the supermarket that’s flown in from around the world. Not only will you be supporting the local economy, this is just another simple way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Have you thought about ways of going green at home? Have you adopted any new habits to help start this effort with your family?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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