Your Office Routine: 10 End of Day Tasks


Most of us have a pretty solid routine when it comes to starting the workday off right, but what about the end of each day? From tidying up your desk to getting all the loose ends wrapped up – the end of the workday can be just as important as the start. Check out these 10 end of the workday routines to ensure the next day starts off right.


10 End of Day Tasks to Add to Your Office Routine

  1. Get your to-do list up to speed. Assess your projects for the next day. This way you know exactly what’s coming.
  2. Tidy your work area. There’s nothing worse than coming into a mess the next day.
  3. Tie up loose ends. Have a couple phone calls that need to be made or emails to send?
  4. Get through some of the paperwork and other tasks you’ve been putting off.
  5. Reflect on your accomplishments of the day (and cross them off your to-do list – that feels so good!).
  6. Think about how you’ll spend your evening (and be excited!). Will you hit the gym? Take the kids to the park?
  7. Check in with your team. See how everyone’s day went and if they need anything from you.
  8. Take a peek at your schedule for the next day. Knowing how to get through that to-do list is half the battle.
  9. Shut everything down. Lights, computer etc. and completely disconnect.
  10. Head home excited about tomorrow.

Do you have any special end of the workday routines?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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