How to Instantly Upgrade Your Dating Life


Are you struggling in your relationships? Haven’t found the right one to equal your spirit and energy? Take a moment, read my tips below, then get back out there and attract the one who compliments you in every way by upgrading your dating life.

How to Instantly Upgrade Your Dating Life


Write down Why You’re Incredible.

Seriously, make a list. Ask your family and friends to give input as well if you struggle. Keep your list of strengths and amazing qualities in mind, and never forget that you are a catch.

Meditate on What You Are Looking for in a Life Partner.

Again, make a list. Don’t write down things like “must have blue eyes” or “must make a six-figure salary.” Think about what you want, and what you need. What are your non-negotiables? Then hold your feet to the fire and don’t accept a date (or a second date) with someone who doesn’t meet your criteria. That’s just wasting your time and theirs.

Talk to Someone Who Is Part of a Relationship You Admire.

Whether it’s your mom, best friend or colleague, sit down with a trusted person and talk to them about their relationship. You’ll be able to carve out what is important to you and pick up tips on what they do to make their relationship work.

Evaluate Your Dating Past, Then Switch Things Up.

Are you always dating seductive heartbreakers? What about finding someone with whom you can have a conversation? Go against type for once and see how it goes. Don’t give up on the first try and be more open-minded. You’d be surprised how many beautiful souls exist out there in the world when you venture out with an open mind. If you haven’t had much luck on the more common and free dating apps like Bumble, why not try a dating platform with a more advanced algorithm that matches you with people based on your interests and the qualities you are looking for in a partner?

Have you met “the one” or are you still searching for the right one? Tweet me @lorenridinger.



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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