Will The Next “Late Show” Host Please Stand Up

If you can believe it, it has been 21 years since David Letterman first took stage as the host of the ever so funny ‘Late Show.’ Now with his contract expiring in 2015 his not-so-secret plans to retire have been revealed, leaving the coveted seat wide open. Making the announcement last week during the taping of his show, Letterman said that he broke the news to his boss, Les Moonves just prior.

This turn of events left me wondering, who’s next? Who ‘s worthy enough to fill David Letterman’s shoes? With other networks hiring younger hosts in recent months, would CBS remain an old boys club or will they be daring enough to bring a woman on board to fill the spot? We, not even a week after the retirement announcement, CBS offered the potation to Stephen Colbert from the Colbert Report on Comedy Central. This was an opportunity of a lifetime for CBS and a chance to make history. Chelsea Handler’s name was even thrown around, but this is not who CBS decided to go with. The question is, was the world ready for a female “Late Show” host?




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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