Stevie Nicks Releases New Solo Album

I am a huge Stevie Nicks fan so I was thrilled to find she has released a new solo album called ‘In Your Dreams.” This is Stevie’s seventh solo studio album in 10 years.

Recently Stevie was interviewed during a press conference and said: “I really don’t care if anybody buys it, and I really don’t care if everybody steals it,” she says during an interview at her Pacific Palisades home. “What I need is to make a record for me, the artist. I need to create something now. So I am going to close my eyes to the music business and its problems, and go forth with a good heart and great belief and make a record.”

“I really had that light, epiphany, where I realized why people wrote together,” says the 62-year-old, who previously considered songwriting a solo pursuit. “I suddenly understood why (John) Lennon and (Paul) McCartney wrote together. I understood why other famous songwriting teams wrote together, because they each had something that the other person didn’t have. For Dave (Stewart) and I, I have books of poetry and he has thousands of chords.”

I think Stevie Nicks is a legend in our culture and a pop icon who’s music has helped millions of women worldwide. I’m so glad she was able to make a record regardless of what the industry says. If there’s anyone who can make a good song is definitely Stevie Nicks.




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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