Supreme Court Rules in Same Sex Marriage Victory


Today is viewed as an historic moment for same-sex marriage, as the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the LGBT community in two separate cases. Both the federal Defense of Marriage Act and Prop 8 in California were overturned this morning, clearing the way for same-sex marriage to resume in California. The Supreme Court denied DOMA, which banned benefits and rights for gay married couples.


Supreme Court Rules in Same Sex Marriage Victory 

“Today’s historic decisions put two giant cracks in the dark wall of discrimination that separates committed gay and lesbian couples from full equality. While we celebrate the victory for Californians today, tomorrow we turn our attention to the millions of LGBT people who don’t feel the reach of these decisions.”  –  Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Commission. 

The Supreme Court rulings having started a firestorm on social media. Google has transformed their search bar into a rainbow, celebs like Ellen DeGeneres have spoken out on Twitter, saying, “It’s a supremely wonderful day for equality,” and topics like #loveislove are trending worldwide in celebration.

While this is a huge victory for California and couples everywhere, there are still 35 other states where gay marriage is illegal. We are getting there! #NoH8



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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