Texting and Driving Replaces Drinking and Driving as Number 1 Killer of Teens on the Road


I was saddened to read about this study performed by the Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New York! Please share and tweet and send to everyone you know to raise awareness about this.

Drinking and driving is no longer the leading cause of teenage deaths on the road. A study done by the Cohen Children’s Medical Center has revealed that texting and driving is injuring over 300,000 teens and killing at least 3,000 of them each year, all due to texting while behind the wheel.

While 39 states in the US have a ban on texting and driving, a few only have a partial ban or no ban at all (you can view a texting ban state map here).

Texting and Driving Replaces Drinking and Driving as Number 1 Killer of Teens on the Road


Dr. Andrew Adesman told CBS News, “The reality is kids aren’t drinking seven days per week — they are carrying their phones and texting seven days per week, so you intuitively know this a more common occurrence.” Adesman is the Chief of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at Cohen Children’s Medical Center and leader of the texting and driving study.

Of course, texting and driving isn’t only a teenage-related problem. Everyone needs to be more aware of what a distraction their cell phone can be. Don’t keep the phone within arms reach while in the car so you aren’t tempted and don’t forget the harm you could do to yourself and others, all because of  a text or email.

It isn’t worth it.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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