4 Businesses You Should Always Be Running

Guest Blogger: Tamisha Ford | tamishaford.com + the introvert effect

You would think in our society as it is now, it would be hard to lead a so-called ‘quiet life’, but to many people who crave it, it’s not hard at all.  I am definitely one of those people.  I love to go to a party or hang out with friends or family like the next gal, but I also love (and need) my alone time.

In a highly social environment, it can be difficult even so.  If your phone’s blowing up with Facebook pings, Gmail notifications, tweets, and God-knows-what-else, it makes it difficult to “get away.”  I recently turned off several of my notifications and set times of the day to check them to balance this constant-on mentality to on-when-I-say mentality.  However, as a business owner and person who does like to connect, it was hard at first.  But I realized – at any given time, there are really only 4 businesses any of us should be running.


4 Businesses You Should Always Be Running

  • God’s business – this is the business of loving others, giving out of the goodness of our hearts, being there for them when no one else is, standing up to the bully for our friend, loving when it’s hard, and doing work that matters.
  • Our business – the business of entrepreneurship or work, whichever you do.  Giving it all you have, knowing when you leave your desk, you also left your heart and hard work.  Showing up for your clients in a big way, doing what you said you would do, offering special pricing, and marketing with integrity.
  • Their business – exercising empathy and seeing the world from someone else’s perspective for once, and not just your own.  Giving without a bunch of expectations, making a personal sacrifice to put a smile on their face, taking a piece of their load at work, or covering their shift.
  • The business of now – being fully present with the people we have in our life right now, today.  Truly listening when someone speaks instead of saying “uh, huh” and nodding while they talk.  In fact, turning your phone OFF at dinner.  Doing our best to see the incredible blessing in what’s in front of us today, even if it’s not exactly where (or who) you want to be.  Realizing how much you’ve grown and how you’ve gotten to where you are, and enjoying it.  Taking time to feel the sun, watch the moon, and sit on the park bench.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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