4 Things Socially Mature Women Do (And Don’t)


Guest Blogger:  Tamisha Ford | tamishaford.com

4 Things Socially Mature Women Do (And Don’t)


  • They are mature enough to take & share wisdom from other women they may not agree with or even like, if it is, in fact, true or actionable wisdom.  This is a level of maturity that is difficult for some women to ever reach.  Even if someone isn’t my favorite leader in her delivery, products, or paradigm, I should be mature enough to promote something she is doing I believe wholeheartedly in or know might benefit someone I know.  Anything less and you could actually be robbing someone you know from being helped or changed as a result of her work.
  • They cancel competition.  They do the inner work necessary to be completely 100% secure in who they are and the delivery of their unique gifts to the world. In every situation, we want to ask for wisdom to see the strength in another woman and allow it to help us, not intimidate us.  We are committed to learn from those strengths, not push against them because we don’t have them.  Goodness…if we all had the same strengths, the world would be a boring place.  Let her be strong – it doesn’t mean you can’t also be.  
  • They understand what needs to be handled OFF of social media.  I see this all the time – Facebook or Twitter is NOT the place to put out social statuses for the purpose of trying to make everyone who sees it figure out who the heck you’re mad at or have personal issues with that day.  Mature women handle their business (personal and otherwise) with others privately, both respecting themselves and the other person.  Not handling things this way is usually cause for others not desiring to be connected to you – it is an immediate red flag that doing so may come back to bite them, and no one likes to be bitten by those they are connected to – unless, of course, your name is Bella Swan.
  • They obtain validation from their spiritual identity and within – knowing themselves.  They don’t need to be validated by their social friends online – they know who they are, and they don’t need an ‘amen’ on it.  We all like to post pictures of our new outfits or beautiful things we receive, buy, invest in, etc., but a socially mature woman doesn’t go throw it away if she doesn’t get 100 likes or re-tweets.  She appreciates sharing and response, but that’s the gist of it – it doesn’t define her.

Keeping it positive, what else have you seen that perhaps we struggle with online in social media forums or otherwise when it comes to social maturity and conduct?  What other areas do you feel we could use a dose of  ‘old-fashioned values’ in?



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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