Ask and You Will Receive


Guest Blogger:  Natasha Weston |

We often miss out on our blessings simply because we don’t ask! Pride and fear of rejection step in and we don’t ask for the things that we want in life. It is important that you let go of these fears because it can stunt your growth, both personally and professionally. We live in a world that enables the misperception of power between the giver and receiver. However, learning to ask is not only a sign of strength, but it also shows that you are serious and dedicated to what it is that you are going after in life.

Ask and You Will Receive


Asking doesn’t always have to result in material possessions, but it is more important to ask for an opportunity and advice to get to the next level. I admit, at one point I was very fearful of asking and there are still times when I still am skeptical about asking for things. I then realized how vital it was that I work on this because it was causing me to miss out on great opportunities, some that could even change the dynamics of my entire life. I was afraid to ask questions. I was afraid to ask for internships opportunities. I was afraid to ask advice from veterans in my industry. When I overcame these fears and saw how simple the act of asking was, my life changed.

Asking can have several different motives. It is up to you to pick and choose what you are asking for and know the reasons why you are asking for these things. I always do a quick mental evaluation; if what I am asking for has the possibility of changing my life financially, spiritually, emotionally or professionally, then I ASK! Don’t be afraid of the word NO! Remember, asking for what you want leads to great connections and life changing opportunities. (Check out my article on “The Power of No” on



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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