Do Opposites Really Attract?

Have you ever really thought about the statement or theory that “Opposites Attract”?It is a scientific fact when dealing with electricity, in essence the exchange of energy that opposites do indeed attract; (positive & negative) and “likes” (two positives) repel. What about the exchange of human or spiritual energy?

From my experience opposites attracting could not be further from the truth and the statement has become another myth within our society.I am personally attracted to “like” minded people in all areas.This is not just true in a romantic sense just whom I choose to surround myself with.I consider myself to be a positive person, with some negative attributes of course as part of my human journey that I continue to improve and grow from.I feel the best exchange of energy with other positive people.I love to surround myself with people who are optimistic, successful, hard working and share the same core values and belief systems as I do.It is positive energy exchange that is uplifting and motivational.I find even being in the same orbit, let alone the same room with an opposite, in this case a negative person literally drains me of my energy, is exhausting and a waste of my precious time.

I really do think the phrase “Misery Loves Company” is a true one. It seems that negative people are always on the hunt for others to pull down to their levels to wallow in the self pity they have created by not taking accountability for their life and associated choices. Sometimes I’m not even sure they do it consciously, they have spend so much time in the dark it has made them colorblind in a sense. I have become much better at setting boundaries and removing negatives from my life in a prompt manner, but it has taken me time and a lot of negative interactions to evolve these skills. I on the other hand prefer to champion others, their achievements and successes.I get great satisfaction from being genuinely happy for someone who has had success or is experiencing happiness in any facet of their lives.It inspires me to see others who are reaping the benefits and rewards of both their positive attitudes and their hard work.

Many people hold back their excitement and happiness because of fear from the opposites (negatives) of being judged, called someone who ”brags” about their accomplishments or experiences.We should all stand together and applaud anyone who is trying to change their path to a positive, working hard to make their life the best they can and those trying to live to their personal potentials. When they fall, and they will, we should all be there to help them back up, not to take enjoyment out of another’s failures or setbacks because we cannot see past our own. It is a sad but all too common occurrence that others cannot be genuinely happy for another’s success.

The good news is ANYONE at ANY TIME can become a positive.It will take work to change the attitudes and beliefs and resolve the core issues as to why one is perpetually negative. A change of perspective however, and expectations is a good place to start.Imagine a world of “likes” and positives that spend their time moving forward and evolving as a society instead of being negative, excuse making and devolving.I can. Anything is possible, one person at a time.

Guest Blogger: Lisa G



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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