Dreams vs Reality by Sally Hurlston

Guest Blogger:  Sally Hurlston | www.twitter.com/sallyhurlston

Sipping my morning skinny mocha, I slid my freshly manicured feet into new Manolos and grabbing my phone and Prada tote, kissed my kids goodbye as I hand them over to the Nanny and hail a cab before reading my emails and off to the office-sound familiar? Erm-no? That’s because my morning is nothing like this! The only drink I’m sipping is the eternal mug of cold tea I make and never finish and whilst I can manage a rushed slick of nail polish onto my toes I am certainly not rocking the latest Manolos, Choos or any other designer footwear but rather a pair of discounted mid heels suitable for the job of teaching all day.

In my mind though I love the concept that one day this first vision of me will happen – I will be calm and collected enough to have the time in the morning to do more than just search through the washing pile for a clean work top. I will earn enough money to actually own a Prada tote and possibly even a nanny! The thing is, we all love to dream and boy do I dream big. But far from needing a reality check I believe it’s important to hold in the mind’s eye the type of reality we want to experience. Some of the greatest achievers and successful people tell us about the importance of visualization. Of filling your mind’s eye with the type of existence you want to bring into reality or as Walt Disney so succinctly put it, “If you can dream it, you can do it!”

Think of some of the things you have achieved in your life-your job, your partner, having children, paying for a holiday you never thought you’d go on, a project or event you’ve helped get off the ground… at some stage these were all just ideas-pipe dreams but somehow and let’s face it not always easily, you managed to turn them from an idea into a very real and successful reality. So if you can do these –why stop there? A question I often see floating around Twitter and Pinterest is this, “What would you do if you knew you could never fail?”  Imagine the type of morning you want to own by this time next year?  What will you need to do to get there? What needs to be adjusted and rethought in order to achieve this picture?

One way of helping you on your way to success is to create a visualisation board. A pin board or giant piece of card filled with inspirational images and words to help you-things that you have placed on there-maybe you’ve always wanted a garden filled with white rose bushes-so find a picture of this and put in on there-maybe you dream of being the boss of your own business so print out the name of your company on a letterhead with you as the CEO beneath. Fill your board with quotes-affirmations that spur you on, a picture of the body you’ve always wanted to own-stick a photo of your head onto it then work out an exercise plan… the list is endless and there are no limits. Plus the best bit is you are creating it for you-no one else and as twee as it sounds no-one can take away your dreams.

So what are you waiting for? Dream big and plan the perfect you. I’m cutting out pictures of a Hermes Birkin as we speak!



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