Just Have FUN!

Guest Blogger:  Rachael Lowe | www.livingambitiously.com

Do you spend hours online reading about how to improve your life? Self-help books, blogs, YouTube channels, magazine articles on positive thinking and how to get more out of your life? I have. I can’t tell you the last time I read a book just for the fun of it, something that had no spiritual guidelines or business-related information. (I did read Fifty Shades of Grey – but it took about 4 hours, so does that count?)

Today I decided it is time to take a break from the self-help books. It is time to stop subscribing to any more life-changing blogs. I have committed all of my free time to all of this study and research and information gathering and I realized that I spent so much time “working on myself” mentally – that I have done more reading than taking action. Don’t get me wrong, my life has taken a large shift for the better – but when did I start working so hard on myself it stopped being fun?

The bottom line of any information you’ll find is this: Just Have Fun. That’s it! Following the fun means everything: following your intuition, pursuing a career you actually love, being in a relationship that makes you feel good. Everything every self-help book will teach you boils down to doing what allows you have to fun.

Are we going to have bad days? Yes. Is fear going to creep up on us? Of course. Allow yourself to have those bad moments or bad days or be afraid, but then do your best to get back to having fun. Call a friend that always makes you laugh. Play with your animals. Go see a funny movie. Do whatever makes your heart smile, if even for a few minutes. The good will flow accordingly.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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