Keep Pushing



Guest Blogger: Nadia K Ismael

“It’s supposed to hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great” ~Tom Hanks
Tom Hanks has a point in this quote. The best things in life ARE worth fighting for and they certainly don’t come easy. Whether you’re starting your own business or striving for that top position in your company, you realize that following your dreams takes determination and courage. Okay, so we all know that the hard makes it special, worthwhile even, but how can you enjoy the journey and not despise it? We all have those days when things look hopeless, like all your efforts have amounted to a great, flat nothing, but we keep pushing and soon a miracle happens. Your phone call finally gets returned, you get that raise you’ve been asking for – and suddenly that light at the end of the tunnel seems a little bit closer.

Little milestones like those keep you going, providing small victories on the way to the top, making the journey less unbearable. Of course everyone has bad days, maybe even bad months, and it’s a true test of one’s endurance to stick it out until the end. But when my own dreams aren’t enough to keep me motivated I search for opportunities or windows, as I like to call them, to get me to the next room. I’ve found throughout my life that true change begins with me, in the energy I put into the world, in the windows I
search for. I’ve found that windows come in different shapes and sizes and getting through them is the challenge.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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