Love and Money: Can You Really Have Them Both?


Guest Blogger: Allyson Henderson |

When Tina Turner sang What’s Love Got to Do with It boy was she correct. Often times there are so many other variables that get in the way of you and your true love that it becomes more of strain rather than endless bliss. Growing up you imagine that love will be easy, a utopia of moments that last forever but, as you grow older you realize that between work and finances love can be quite stressful – if you allow it.

Many of us find ourselves in circumstances (like trying to break that glass ceiling) that make any romantic endeavor very hard and for that love and marriage aren’t as sacred. The odds that you and your love are exactly where you want to be financially are slim to none nowadays and as much as we would like our mates to wine and dine us nightly that may not always be feasible. One thing is for sure, money may not buy you love but it surely will deplete your relationship. Here are a few things that as working women we can all take heed to in maintaining a relationship while shooting for your goal.


Love and Money : Can You Really Have Them Both? 

  • Be Honest: I am not where I want to be however this is my plan and this is how I am working towards it.
  • Work Together to Build More: Be accountable for your past financial mistakes and make plans to build a future that is financially beneficial to both partners. If you are in a marriage or engaged try starting a bank account together. It holds you both accountable for the money.
  • Be Creative Rather Than Insulting: Find creative ways to enjoy each other’s company like picnics in the park, or be silly and do a Sunday Fun-day full of each your favorite games and pizza or initiate a wine and cheese night with friends. Making your partner feel pressured to always spend money they don’t necessarily have can be damaging and intimidating.
  • Be observant: Pay attention! If you notice that your mate is not financially responsible such as consistent late payments on bills, garnishments, and such then take time to think about how this could potentially impinge on your future. If you think that this something you can deal with make plans to deal accordingly.

Relationships can be tricky and the etiquette that comes along with aligning your financial plans with one another can be trickier. If you communicated effectively then it is definitely possible to have both finances and love line up perfectly with one another.



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