Staying Positive

Guest Blogger: Margie Britto

How can we manage to stay positive holding a job we dont like? With the Economy being so bad? Not being able to progress? or do what we want to do? How can I be a positive person if reaching my goal is soo hard?

These are all questions that have come up lately between my peers and I so I wanted to share why and how I stay positive:

-Don’t surround yourself with negative people, people who are always complaining about their job, their classes, their life. I am a firm believer of the law of attraction- Negativity ONLY attracts negativity, AND its contagious!!!

-Set some goals for yourself, nothing life changing but immediate goals that you think will help you get one step closer to achieving your dreams. Whether is re-organizing yourself, dedicating an hour a day to looking for a better job, buying supplies you need for whatever project you have pending… a goal that’s realistic.

-Turn those negatives into positives. You simply cannot dwell on things you cannot control. If something negative happened…it happened! But you decide the outcome and the preceding events. Don’t let one incident ruin your day, in fact get revenge on that one incident and do something to compensate for that, just laugh at it!

“Laughter is about optimism. You have the ability to effect people and events around you through your own attitude….Finding humor in a bad situation creates the alternative perspective we need to separate ourselves from it.”

-Find your passion and what you love, make a list of things that make you happy and DO THEM! Whether is music, films, art, sports, fashion…. anything, just go for it! Who’s going to stop you? no one but yourself, YOU have the power to make your life how YOU want it to be! The journey to reaching your goal may be rough but you can surpass anything by working hard and staying positive.

-Make a list of things that motivate you and things that give you strength. Also, create a vision board with pictures of what you want to have and where you want to be along motivational quotes and place it in a place that you look at every day to remind yourself of where you want. Whether behind the door in your bathoom, bedroom or a place in your bedroom.

These are some of the things i do that help me stay on track to reach my goals and keep my optimism going.

Why stress yourself? why be so negative!? is Stress going to make it better? no… no matter what the situation is.. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT and make the change happen for yourself.

Let me know what motivates you and how you keep positive.. send me a tweet @PinkRock



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