Guest Blogger: Jessica
Everyone wants to find that magic potion: that get fit quick method. This is not that hard to understand because your health is one of the most sacred things you have. What you may not realize though is that getting and staying in shape may be easier than you think.
You can easily control your health by educating yourself about food and avoiding misleading information. How do you do this though? Acquiring health is ALL about your mindset. The way you think can change your whole outlook on a situation as well as the outcome. The media has people obsessing over being thin and fitting into the mold of perfect beauty.
This is the wrong issue to be obsessing over. People should instead be focusing on health and self-love instead of focusing on self-hate. You should want to be healthy because you care about yourself. You should want to take care of yourself because you deserve it. You deserve to be healthy and fit. When changing your attitude, you change from self-hate to self-appreciation. Saying expressions like I need to lose weight because I am fat , or I do not like the way I look, gives a negative perspective. If you stay in this negative mindset then even when you hit your goal weight you are still going to have that negative attitude towards your self-image. Nothing will ever be good enough when you are stuck in the negative.
But, you have the power to change that. If you turn it around to the positive and say I want to eat healthy and work out because I care about myself, then it becomes a positive and joyful experience. That is the way life should be, and you are the master of your outlook on life. Only you have the power to create how you experience a situation, and do not ever let anyone take that away from you. By changing how you experience a situation you are ultimately going to change the outcome. If you are focused on the positive benefits of being healthy for your body, like giving your body the vital nutrients it needs, then you will be able to maintain that health for a lifetime. Changing the way you experience situations does not only apply to health, but to all aspects of life. So,my challenge to you today is to start changing your thoughts for the better. Do not allow yourself to bash yourself! See how changing your attitude changes the way you experience life and your outcome on situations.